ሰዎችን ሁሉ የሚያድን የእግዚአብሔር ጸጋ ተገልጦአልና’ ቲቶ 2፡11
At the CMC and Ayat sites of the trending Ayat Apartments on sales and promising construction underway, as the Shop floors on GF, UGF, L1F, 1st Floor, 2nd Floor and 3rd Floor are also open for the public sales. In this Ayat real-estate massive apartment project and future apartment owners […]
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Ayat S.C Real Estate Company was initiated in 1997 G.C and is one of the pioneering Ethiopian companies in this sector. They have managed to complete numerous residential units, making them one of the most experienced in this sector. Ayat S.C is indeed the largest construction company focused on residential […]